Enabling Apache2 Rewrite Module

After fresh-installing ubuntu 11.10, I have to reinstall my Apache2, PHP5, MySQL, etc… One of the things I should do is enabling the Rewrite Module for my Apache2 web server.

It was simple, just do these steps:

  1. Enabling the physical module.
    sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
  2. Allow the Overriding, by editing /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file using your editor. Change the lines containing: AllowOverride from None to All.

  3. The last, restart your apache2 server using:
    $ sudo service apache2 restart

*Update: Add the following code inside your VirtualHost declaration if your redirection couldn’t run properly

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

– END – 🙂

* Just to be guide of myself at the future *

Resetting Gnome to Its Default Configuration

This is the Gnome-Logo made with vectors. GNOM...

This is my second time resetting my Gnome (version 2/classic) Settings to its default. I don’t know why should that condition appear (again). If doesn’t, I will get my title bar disappear when I press [Alt+Space], or maybe other symptoms.

But, it is more easy now after I got the tutorial about how to do it (resetting my gnome settings) from my friend. Here it is, a simple way to reset our gnome settings. Do this command on your home directory under terminal.

rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity

This will remove the gnome settings which commonly appear on that 5 directories, and when we login back, we will get our gnome settings back as our first login time.

* Drive here to get more 🙂 http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing

* OS I used: Sabily 11.04 Badr

Switching Back WP Back-end Language

Everyone knows that every localized wordpress pack you download, usually, will use its own language in its back-end (admin a.k.a. wp-admin) or front-end user interface. Ex: If I download Indonesia-enabled wordpress, the user interface will use Indonesian as its default language. However, sometimes, with that localization, it makes the user interface not as user-friendly as in its original language (English), especially for the back-end section.

In this situation, we could switch back to use English for our wordpress back-end using a plugin called Plugins Language Switcher. With this plugin, we could switch our back-end language easily, just like changing the wordpress configuration sets.

For complete instruction of installation, just go to the main plugin page 🙂

Quick Command Recall

The use of Terminal is quite dominant in Linux, especially for someone who is not concerned with graphical interface (e.g: Linux used as Server). Terminal‘s function is like Command Prompt‘s function when in Windows, executing text based command. (Distro I used: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala)

Usually, when executing a command in Terminal, if we -as linux user- don’t know the use of history command, we will call again and again the command although it’s the same command. So, if we would like to fast recalling our previous command, we could use the history command and query previous command.

history Command Execution
Figure 1: history Command Execution

Figure 1 is a way of executing the history command (without any arguments). As we seen, it generates list of commands we have executed. The left side (number) indicating the queued command number and the right one indicating the executed command. We could recall the command in the generated list using:


Figure 2 is a sample of recalling the command.

Recalling Command
Figure 2: Recalling Command

!25 will recall the command number 25 as seen in Figure 1.

But, the question is, “Should we call history when we want to recall a command?” Actually NO! We could recall using more simple query with just using a key combination (Ctrl+R) and write the pattern of command we would to search.

Recall Command Using KeyStroke
Figure 3: Recall Command Using KeyStroke

As we push (Ctrl+R), the line would become (reverse-i-search) ”: and then we could write down the pattern. Figure 3 shows us how to recall the command with pattern (grou) and finally the complete command will appear on the right side of colon.

That’s all… And pardon me about my English 😛

Hello world!

Welcome to My Blog. This is my first post. And I won’t delete this! 😀

“Hello, World!”, an introductory sentence when I was focused on my major (IT, Informatics). And until now, I think, it still available in many computer (programming) book. It was a first super sentence that make me and my friends’ life, maybe, colorized by many-many coding assignment, at college, at work, at daily living.

Do you think it was interesting? Just take a look here.. 😀